#360 – Blaze

I hate it when I burn my tongue. I usually do it at the beginning of a meal. It not only ruins my enjoyment of the rest of the food, my tongue is useless for the next 2 or 3 meals as well.


0 thoughts on “#360 – Blaze”

  1. Roanthehero says:

    I actually burned myself this weekend on some pizza, roof of my mouth still hurts.

    And man, Biff is really scary looking when his heads on fire.

  2. Fred says:

    You’ve done it again for me, thank you. I hate it when I burn my tongue on hot liquids xP

  3. Leonard says:

    This hit the money on the spot for me. Hahaha.

  4. The Crack Ninja says:

    I usualy use my pinky to test the tempature of a liquid before I drink it.

    If you burn it, it’s ok! What else do you use a pinky for?

  5. FlamethrowerWieldingMonkey says:

    Could have been worse. At least he’s not drinking one of those spicy coffee blends.

  6. J says:

    I severely burned the tip of my tongue about three days ago on some nuked tea. it still feels kind of weird.

    A number of times i’ve burned the roof of my mouth so badly, the top layer of the mucus membrane actually separated from the rest and i had to peel it off with my tongue.

  7. Chaoser says:

    Wow biff without long brows cool…lol…yea burning urself sucks thats y we have good ole biff to take the worst for us…

  8. Brian says:

    Is Biff the new Ghostrider? haha I just burned my tongue on a pizza pocket thing. Pissed me off so bad that I gave the rest of em to my friend. The entire bag.

  9. rozencrantz says:

    @Crack Ninja: Things that make me not want to stick it in my food

  10. Bubble says:

    Do you know it has taken me TWO WEEKS to finally reach the latest page!!

    Great job, Chris! I love Biff!!!!


  11. Rainewolf says:

    Crack Ninja, you’d be surprised…>>;

    and damn is that some hot coffee.

  12. Bunnyman says:

    I’ve burned the roof of my mouth, burned my tongue, and somehow, I’ve even burned my cheeks. The worst burn I, personally, have ever had was on the tip of my tongue. I had a tiny lump that stung for about a week after that. However, the worst burn I’ve ever heard of was my grandpa burning his taste buds off. Burned it off with salsa, he did.

    Also, Biff is creeping me out. It looks like his face is melting. I shall now hide. *Proceeds to do just that*

  13. Khasa says:

    I burned my house once.
    Nah, just kidding. But I do burn my tongue on regular basis, quite annoying, i’d say.
    Although, I never got to drink something so hot my head caught on fire.

  14. Blargen-Vargen says:

    Biff is: GHOST RIDER!

  15. pieman says:

    that is one awesome-ass biff pic. wow.


  16. Gobbledegook says:

    I don’t know which is worse, burning your tongue or burning the top of your mouth.
    The absolute worst, though, is when I have something too hot in my mouth and I’m forced to swallow it anyway (Like when I’m at work or something and can’t just spit it out). I can feel it burning the entire way down, and then my stomach starts to hurt something fierce.

  17. Lucretiel says:

    A return to classic Biffiness

  18. SEA says:

    ouch, now THAT’S hot coffee…
    he does look scary when his head’s on fire 0_o

  19. Brett says:

    Ouch..it’s gonna take him a while to regrow his eyebrows after that one..

  20. MaskedMan says:

    Eyebrows make great tinder. ^_^

    I’ve learned, over the years, to hold the coffee close to my mouth before taking a sip… If my lip cringes fom the heat radiating off the coffee, it’s probably too hot to drink.

    Yeah, I burned myself a lot, when I was younger and more coffee-carefree.

    Oh, and Blargen-Vargen? I must hate you now for beating me to that joke. :-p

  21. Va says:

    This reminds me of those burning sculls in Doom…

  22. Chris says:

    Good job Bubble. 🙂

  23. guest says:

    Ghost Rider was the first thing I thought of when I saw the comic

  24. Hanii Puppy says:

    uhh o.o am i the only one who leaves food and hot drinks to cool a little bit before eating/drinking them? o.o

  25. KayRis says:

    I burnt my tongue the other day from eating very sour things. I still can’t taste properly.

  26. Heinrich says:

    i’m surprised no one has made a reference to the dad’s home or dad’s at work cartoons. sakupen.com

  27. Aaron Atienza says:

    oh jeez i think this is the first time ive seen Biff without his signature eyebrows 😮

  28. FlamethrowerWieldingMonkey says:

    The worst offender is hot or melted cheese. It’s like nuclear glue. Sticks to the roof of your mouth like nothing else.

  29. Nikanaiko says:

    …Maybe if the title wasn’t Blaze as in Johnny Blaze, it would make me think less of Ghost Rider.

  30. Mega says:

    I haven’t burned my tongue on food for a long time, but that Listerine stuff is just as bad.

  31. kiwi says:

    eeeeeew J! that’s gross! and those flaming skulls in Doom are called lost souls I think.

  32. Malachite Dragon says:

    J Says:

    October 22nd, 2007 at 12:57 am
    A number of times i’ve burned the roof of my mouth so badly, the top layer of the mucus membrane actually separated from the rest and i had to peel it off with my tongue.


    That happened to me a few months ago…The texture of the burned part of the roof of my mouth is STILL different then the texture of the unburned parts.

  33. kenshin620 says:

    This is why I switched to starbucks iced coffee. No waiting for it to cool and no anticaption for the hot sting.

    On a fire-related note, I took down the smoke detector in my room since the batteries are running out and it’s making an annoying beeping noise. Hopefully I won’t cause a fire in my bedroom before its fixed XP

  34. GrooveMan.exe says:

    Jeez, not commented for a while.

    This one really made me lol. The fire effect is awesome. Set things on fire more often. :3

  35. Radical Edward says:


    I’ve burnt my skin many times, mostly from drinking tea.

  36. Reg says:

    So simple… so painful… this is why I read Biff. :3

  37. Teela says:

    I once burned my tongue on a really hot cup of cocoa. Couldn’t taste things well for a few days, it was so bad.

  38. Jay says:

    Gah! No eyebrows! That scares me…

  39. Sai-Sai says:

    I…actually like burning my tongue and mouth. It makes it all tingly and hurty and sensitive. I only like hot liquids that have at least boiled, and usually drink them while they’re still boiling.. So good..

    Maybe I’m just weird, though.

  40. PlutoBum says:

    it looks like his head is re-entering the atmosphere….

  41. Chris Hallbeck studios proudly present: Biff Rider!
    He looks so scary.

  42. emthegreat says:

    even worse than burning your tongue:
    burning, then FREEZING it. I drank hot tea and burned my tongue, then drank ice water to cool it off. It felt shattered. like glass.

  43. Shadowlord9k says:


  44. BrainpanSonata says:

    Ice cubes in the coffee. Always make a little room at the top of the mug so the coffee won’t spill over.

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