#573 – Lift

There were two levels of monster fear. The standard under the bed monster was always threatening to grab your ankles if you needed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. The scarier ones were going to get you if you had even one pinky exposed outside of the covers. This was of course always in summer when under the covers meant having to endure the stifling sauna that your own breath was creating.


38 thoughts on “#573 – Lift”

  1. PsychoDuck says:

    Crap, I want hover socks now. So many advances made recently in the realm of sock technology…

    Also, I take it this is childhood misconception week, then?

    The Duck Has Spoken.

  2. Torg says:

    So what would happen if he wore these inside his Saturn-gravity boots?

  3. Nathan says:

    Torg, you beat me to it. >.<

  4. Torg says:

    @Nathan: 😛

  5. MaskedMan says:

    Never mind the Saturn Gravity Boots – I wanna know what went wrong with the hover-socks. From the looks of things, they look more like “launch-you-into-orbit-socks.” If not for the ceiling, Biff would be describing a semi-balistic trajectory for near-space! do “hover socks” come with level adjustments, or did Biff just get the wrong size?

  6. SEA says:

    Kinda reminds me of the iron man movie, when he was testing out the flight capabilities.

  7. Kbman says:

    @ Chris
    Yeah, I remember those days.
    I saw this show about alien abductions when I was 7 (During June, of course), and for a week I completely covered myself, and I did it every now and then for months.
    Not Fun.

  8. Delarius says:

    What I used to do as a kid was having a fictive defense mechanism on which I added different parts to take care of any monster that might attack me during my sleep.
    Guess I had quite the imagination.

  9. Pieman says:

    This one reminded me of Zelda.

  10. Chris says:

    kid icarus, socks with wings, lol.

  11. Skiine says:

    I want his pyjama pants…

  12. RG says:

    I just finished reading through the archives, and I must say: this comic is pure win!

  13. Jackson says:

    When I was a kid, I was less concerned about what lurked under the bed, and more about the shadows. My room’s window faced the street, and every passing car would cast horrific shadows that swept the room like the criss-crossed searchlight of a hungry devil, searching for someone to devour. I knew the true source of the shadows, but their effect still harrowed me with irrational childhood dread.

    On another note, hover socks are an awesome idea and I hope we will see more of them.

  14. ChooChooBear says:

    Man, I still get that fear about monsters-grabbing-exposed-foot thing. I once had a dream that someone stood at the foot of my bed and grabbed my feet, so I switched positions and slept with my head at the foot of my bed for about six months. I have no idea why I thought someone grabbing my head was better than someone grabbing my foot.

  15. starseedjenny says:

    Oh yes, the blanket oven. I remember it well.

    Worst. Thing. Ever.

  16. MindoverMattR says:

    Did anybody have their parents sing them a song about monsters under the bed? Or were my parents just trying to scare me.

    Chorus: “There is something alive living underneath my bed/ I know it’s trying to eat me,/ And if I even dangle my toes at the edge/ I’d be gone completely.

    I know it’s down there somewhere/ with some socks and a pair of dirty underwear/ a sandwich my mommy made when I was sick, / and a balloon with a little bit of air in it.

    There is something alive living underneath my bed/ I know it’s trying to eat me,/ And if I even dangle my toes at the edge/ I’d be gone completely/ I’d be gone completely/ I’d be gone completely/ I’d be gone…”

    And she’d get softer and softer at the last part. Occasionally, she’d grab my leg and scream as she finished, and it scared the living daylights out of me.

  17. My monsters were less under the bed and more hiding in my computer.

  18. biff is awesome! good work!

    laugh if you want.. but my summer of blanket oven was after I saw thriller for the first time… (nightmare on elm street was next)

    oh.. and when you turn the lights off in the basement and still have to go up the stairs. something will get you.

  19. trevor says:

    I’d try writing some long description of a really scary monsters just to freak evreyone out, but nothing coming to me.

  20. MaskedMan says:

    You want really brief descriptions, not long ones – The most horrible monsters come from our imaginations, with *just* enough description to help the ol’ imagination along.

  21. no name says:

    Whoo Hoo! Flower pajamas!

    I was never afraid of monsters under my bed. only in my closet.

  22. Funnyman141 says:

    heh at least you didn’t have a closet that the foot of the bed faced then have some long forgotten toys cast two lights that looked like eyes through the clothes I would yell and parents would come in and they would turn on the light making the light disappear that was the worst I was five and those batteries where very good they lasted a month I think it was killer clowns from outerspace that scared me then after that we watched It so yea laugh all you want I’ll laugh with you now

  23. Mophtran says:

    @MindOverMattr, that’s kinda fsked up…

    @Christ, but that’s kinda fsking awesme. 😀

  24. Monkeyman says:

    Good comic, haha
    I’d share a monster story, but honestly I never
    believed in them…like, at all…I am so weird…

  25. Cpt Ziggy says:

    I was never scared of monsters when I was a kid,just ghosts,and my mom

  26. Halo Chief says:

    what would happen if they shorted out? I mean theyve got frikin wires stickin out!

  27. Micah says:

    I enjoy seeing Biff in pain.

  28. Boo says:

    Perhaps Biff jumped on his bed in hover socks?

  29. brickface says:

    Micah, I believe there is many who enjoy it too, me being another.

  30. no name says:

    As I do.

  31. Reg says:

    I hope Biff doesn’t have a monster in the attic to worry about!
    And MindoverMattR, I kind of had the same song sung to me too… thanks for reminding me it! XD

  32. Reynard says:

    Cute jammies… 🙂

  33. Mophtran says:

    I just noticed that I accidently wrote “Christ” instead of “Chris” O_O

  34. Torg says:

    A legitimate mistake.

  35. Marvaanagh says:

    Love this one. Had a wooden sword that my dad made me when i was growing up, of course it “killed” the monsters. Also worked pretty well on my older brother when he tried to scare me too.

    look up Voltaire’s song “Goodnight Demonslayer” for the best lullaby ever.

  36. Shana says:

    I always had the second fear year round. But I have rather weak lungs. My solution- put my head under the pillow so that I had nice cool air filtering into my lungs and under the covers. It worked like a charm.

  37. Hornswaggler says:

    XDD Nice. I always either hid under covers or made a fort with my stuffed animals…of which I had many. My mom says when she was little, she’d actually use one of those plastic snorkles for fresh air. x3

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